
How To Upload R Markdown To Git


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This is markdown editor for Hexo.

Built with Electron.

Inherit Moeditor, I desire to fix it appropriate to Hexo Blog!

if y'all have practiced ideas, please annotate Hither

if you lot accept time, and involvement, and energy, welcome join the states !


  • HexoEditor
    • Hexo Mail Preview same as in Browser
    • Hexo Tag/Filter/Renderer support
    • Use Hexo _config.yml support
    • Quick New Mail service in hexo source
    • Quick Change File Proper noun (In Hexo Post Edit)
    • Quick Deploy Post
    • Quick Hexo Control hexo d,hexo chiliad,hexo s,hexo clean
    • Auto Change Image to Markdown
      • Back up Drag Epitome
      • Support Paste Clipboard Epitome
    • Support Image Cloud (One Step Upload)
      • Support SM.MS
      • Support QiNiu
      • Back up Tencent
    • Quick Get-go (Common Directory, Common URL)
    • Scorll Together/None
  • HexoEditor (Inherit Moeditor)
    • GitHub Flavored Markdown
    • TeX math expressions
    • UML diagrams
    • Code highlight in editor
    • Read/Write/Preview way
    • Custom font / line height / font size
    • Custom themes
    • Code highlight themes (powered by highlight.js)
    • Automobile reload
    • Localization
    • Focus mode


HexoEditor Main

HexoEditor side

HexoEditor menu

HexoEditor About

Gif Screenshots

HexoEditor settings

HexoEditor tag

HexoEditor Mode

HexoEditor Upload Image

HexoEditor New Post

HexoEditor Hexo

Program To Do

  • Add Toc
  • Add Hexo Title Header setting (100%)
  • Add Editor ShortCut
  • Add history files tree .....
  • Deploy Mail service
  • Add multi-editing in tabs


Key Method explanation
Tab tabAdd add indentation
Shift - Tab tabSubtract reduce indentation
Ctrl - B toggleBlod toggle blod
Ctrl - I toggleItalic toggle italic
Ctrl - D toggleDelete delete current line
Ctrl - ` toggleComment toggle comment
Ctrl - L toggleUnOrderedList toggle unordered listing
Ctrl - Alt - L toggleOrderedList toggle ordered list
Ctrl - ] toggleHeader downgrade title
Ctrl - [ toggleUnHeader upgrade championship
Ctrl - = toggleBlockquote add blockquote
Ctrl - - toggleUnBlockquote reduce blockquote
Ctrl - U drawLink add hyperlink
Ctrl - Alt - U drawImageLink add together prototype
Ctrl - T drawTable(row col) add table(row column)
Ctrl - 5 pasteOriginContent paste origin content
Shift - Ctrl - Five pasteContent auto paste content
Alt - F formatTables format tables
Ctrl - Due north new md document
Ctrl - H new hexo certificate
Ctrl - O open physician certificate
Ctrl - S save doctor document
Shift - Ctrl - South save equally
Alt - Ctrl - S open settings
Ctrl - W toggle write mode
Ctrl - P toggle preview mode
Ctrl - R toggle read mode
  • tip: In mac Bone, plase replace Ctrl key with Cmd key.


                              //if use Windows:              npm config set prefix                              "C:/Program Files/nodejs/npm_global"                            npm config set enshroud                              "C:/Plan Files/nodejs/npm_cache"                                            //if use Linux\Mac:              npm config fix prefix                              "~/nodejs/npm_global"                            npm config ready enshroud                              "~/nodejs/npm_cache"                                            //If In China, China, China, you can set mirror to speed up !              npm config set registry                              ""                            npm config set electron_mirror                              ""                            git clone https:                //              cd HexoEditor npm install npm offset

This is Item Method


At that place's three ways to open the Chromium Developer Tools.

  1. Add --debug to the control line args:
  1. Ctrl + Shift + I in Linux / Windows or Command + Choice + I in OS 10 / macOS to toggle devtools for a window.
  2. Set debug to true in the config. The config file is stored in ~/.config/configstore/HexoEditor.json (for every system).


HexoEditor will machine notice your system language and utilize the localization.

You tin can set language manually in the Settings window.

Now the app supports English, Chinese, French, German, Castilian and incomplete Portuguese.

Assist the states if you can interpret this app. Please follow the guide in app/moe-l10n.js.


HexoEditor itself is licensed under the GPL v3 license.

Some node modules are licensed nether other gratis software license.

The Raleway font is licensed under the OFL open font license.


  1. modify codemirror file :

./node_modules/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js (line: 3104)

./node_modules/codemirror/src/display/selection.js (line: 56)

              //var rightSide = Math.max(display.sizerWidth, displayWidth(cm) - display.sizer.offsetLeft) - padding.correct;              var              rightSide              =              brandish              .              lineDiv              .              offsetWidth              -              padding              .              correct              ;            


  • 馃毄 NexT theme

Hexo Help

  • Hexo
  • EasyHexo

QQ Group:

  • Name:HexoEditor
  • QQID:602883087
  • PASS:HexoEditor
  • Data:2017-12-29


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