When it comes to keeping your life organized, there are 2 indispensable tools that you must have: your agenda, and your to-exercise list. Knowing what you demand to do and when to do it ensures that nothing gets forgotten, peculiarly if you're working remotely or at dwelling.

However, nigh chore management solutions keep these two items separate. Certain, you can see the due dates in your to-do list app, but wouldn't information technology be nicer to see them on your agenda, where all your events are listed?

Here's a list of to-practise apps that sync with Google Calendar, along with a quick explanation on how to integrate them.

Why Employ Google Calendar?

Why Should I Use Google Calendar

Get-go, because it'south extremely popular. While there are tons of competitors on the market, almost everyone has or has had feel with a Gmail account. This ways that they've glanced at a Google Calendar at least once.

Second, you should apply this app because it'south so easy to find to-practise lists that sync with Google Agenda.

If you adopt iCal? No problem, you tin can easily marry the 2. Use Fantastical or the Windows Agenda? No issue with either of these as well.

Syncing these apps can be done in a couple of like shooting fish in a barrel steps, and for this reason Google Calendar is a great, cardinal place to manage your task list. Last but non least, Google Calendar too works with both IFTTT and Zapier, which ways that you can make information technology work with almost every other app.

The Easiest Selection: Sync Google Calendar With Google Tasks

Sync Google Calendar With Google Tasks

As you might expect, Google's Tasks app is tightly integrated with Google Agenda. If y'all want to know more, you can also find out how Google Tasks helps you manage your to-do listing.

Google Tasks is not as advanced every bit some of the other task management systems on this list, merely if y'all demand a place to jot down your thoughts, and yous desire to encounter those due dates on your calendar, it's perfect.

To access Google Tasks:

  1. Go to calendar.google.com.
  2. Click onTasks underMy Calendars in the left sidebar. Information technology should be automatically located in a separate category underReminders.

You tin can also click on theTasks icon on the pinnacle right-hand side of your agenda, seen below in ruddy. When you do, yous'll come across an expanded task list every bit well as reminders for the days that the tasks are due.

Sync Google Calendar With Google Tasks

Also, you lot tin open up Google Tasks in Gmail. You can find the app by clicking on the Tasks app icon to expand the menu within your inbox. Once over again, it'due south located on the pinnacle right-mitt side of your screen.

Sync Google Calendar With Google Tasks From Gmail

Likewise, if yous desire to see Tasks in full-size, you can get to mail.google.com/tasks/canvass, which will redirect you to your calendar with the Tasks app fully expanded. You won't get any more features by doing this, but you will have a full tab to piece of work with.

In any of these app views:

  • Click on theedit icon next to a task to add together a due date.
  • Once you lot've assigned a due date, you'll see that task displayed on your Google Calendar.
  • Yous can also add notes or "details" to a specific chore.

It'due south as simple every bit that.

The 3rd-Political party Pick: Syncing Other To-Practise List Apps With Google Calendar

To Do Apps That Sync With Google Calendar Remember the Milk

Now let's say you're using a 3rd-political party task managing director, such as one of these options on this list of Mac reminder apps. Fifty-fifty if you're using a third-party app, there's still a proficient gamble that you can sync it with Google Calendar.

If we take the app Remember the Milk, yous tin easily sync it by adding the Google Agenda gadget.

For other apps:

  • Virtually well-known task management apps have some sort of Agenda integration.
  • Evernote can sync with Calendar and task-list apps.
  • Trello can be synced, besides.

Basically, if there'southward a task management arrangement out there, there's a good way to sync information technology up with Google Agenda. Only consult the app's documentation processes to notice out how to sync information technology.

The Safety Option: Sync Microsoft To Do With Google Agenda

Microsoft To Do Google Calendar

Out of all these third-political party apps, in that location's 1 nosotros want to give its own department to. That'due south because both Microsoft and Google are heavyweights when information technology comes to online organizational tools.

If you've never tried it out before, Microsoft To Do is an organizational app bachelor for Windows, Mac, and Android. Through it, you lot can quickly locate your daily task lists across multiple devices, share those lists, and use the app's integration with Outlook Tasks.

Additionally, you can likewise sync Microsoft To Do with Google Calendar using an automation service like Zapier. Conveniently, this brings usa to the adjacent department.

Alternatively, cheque out these uncomplicated to-practice apps.

Going Custom: Using an Automation Service to Sync With Google Calendar

To Do List That Syncs With Google Calendar Zapier

If your third-party app isn't amendable to sync with Google Calendar, you do have other options. Zapier and IFTTT can connect a huge number of apps together, and many of them allow y'all to sync up with Google Calendar.

For example, here is a short list of task and project management apps that Zapier supports:

  • Asana
  • Todoist
  • Google Tasks
  • Omnifocus
  • Toodledo
  • Calendar week Plan
  • Nozbe
  • Recollect the Milk
  • Checkvist
  • Focuster
  • Zenkit

Setting upwards automated integration using Zapier or IFTTT is actually easy. Here's 1 that adds Evernote reminders to your Google Calendar.

IFTTT also lets you add together your follow-upward reminders from followup.cc to Google Calendar, so you can always meet who yous need to be emailing and when. And with Zapier'southward multi-pace zaps, you're actually merely limited by your imagination.

Exist Assuming: Endeavour out a Completely Different To-Do List App Like "Sorted"

If you're a fan of time blocking and highly specific scheduling, and you're not satisfied with the apps that connect to-do lists that sync with Google Calendar, then you might be interested in going completely off the well-trodden path.

Endeavor Sorted, an app that makes it easy to schedule all your tasks in a solar day. Just add together those tasks to your list, utilize gestures to reorganize them, and you'll see what you need to become done.

How Practise Yous Stay in Sync Using a Agenda?

There are plenty of ways to find to-practice apps that sync with Google Calendar. The caste to which you want to sync them and how many details you'd like to share between the two largely depends upon your own personal time direction system.

Beyond to-do lists, you tin also sync Google Calendar with other services. Here'due south how to use a 3rd-political party app to sync Google Calendar with Microsoft Outlook.

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